Digital Stories & Documentaries:
2019 Nursing Invention at UMass Amherst [6 minutes]. Case Study for Penn Nursing’s open access Design Thinking for Health platform. Sponsored by Rita & Alex Hillman Foundation
2015 “What’s Your Name?” [5:04 minutes], by Rachel Walker. Part of the Nurstory Project, Center for Digital Storytelling.
Live Storytelling Events:
2018 TEDx Speaker, TEDxEasthamptonWomen, Easthampton, MA. The ‘E’ in STEM Should Stand for Empathy, by Rachel Walker [17 minutes] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dW2QoNiYWJ8
2018 Nurse Inventors, Not Invited. Celebrate Invention!, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Headquarters, Washington, DC. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PxBT2IB5S7c&t=603s
TV Programs & Live Broadcasts:
2019 Facebook Live! AAAS-Lemelson Invention Ambassadors Panel: The Future of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare, Facebook Studios, Facebook Headquarters, Washington, DC, February 2019. https://www.facebook.com/InventionAMB/videos/2287301448209143/
2018 Connecting Point with Carrie Saldo, WGBY Springfield
2018 Innovation Showcase with Jay Sugarman, NewTV Newton https://vp.telvue.com/preview?id=T01443&video=338103
Podcasts & Videocasts:
2021 HIMSS + ANA Nursing Innovation Series: Addressing the Role of Technology, Education, and Equity Amidst Rapid Developments in Healthcare Delivery, April 15, 2021 https://www.himss.org/session-himss-ana-nursing-innovation-series-addressing-role-technology-education-and-equity-amidst
2021 RN-Mentor Podcast with Dr. Ali R. Tayyeb, “Rae Walker”. April 20, 2021, https://www.alirtayyeb.com/rnmentor-podcast/rwalker
2020 RN-Mentor Podcast with Dr Ali R. Tayyeb, “Nursing Mutual Aid #NMA2020” April 18, 2020, https://www.alirtayyeb.com/rnmentor-podcast/nursing-mutual-aid-2020-nma2020
2020 Amplify Nursing Podcast with Marion Leary, “Nursing Mutual Aid 2020”. April 17, 2020, https://soundcloud.com/penn-nursing/amplify-nursing-special-episode-coronavirus-5
2020 Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments Podcast with Dr. Beth Schenk, Episode 44: “Changing the World with Rachel Walker” Feb 3, 2020. https://envirn.org/podcast/changing-the-world-with-rachel-walker/
2019 eCancer Videocast at ONS Congress 2019. Part 1: How Nurses Innovate, https://ecancer.org/conference/1145-ons-44th-annual-congress/video/7822/recognising-nurse-inventors.php
Part 2: Challenges to & Resources for Nurse Inventors, https://ecancer.org/conference/1145-ons-44th-annual-congress/video/7821/challenges-to-and-resources-for-nurse-inventors.php%C2%A0
2019 Oncology Nursing Society Podcast, Episode: “How Nurses Innovate in Practice Every Day” with Chris, http://onsvoice.libsyn.com/episode-44-how-nurses-innovate-in-practice-every-day
2018 Johnson & Johnson Notes on Nursing Podcast: Nursing Notes Live http://nursingnoteslive.com/2018/08/award-winning-nurse-inventor-rachel-walker-on-nurses-and-innovation/
2018 AAAS Science Update with Bob Hirshorn
Keynote Speaker. “What will we do with our power?” Sigma Nursing Region 15 international nursing conference, scheduled for October 2022.
Keynote Speaker. “Innovating for Health and Transforming Power in the Midst of Chaos and Uncertainty”. UCLA Health System 19th Annual Research, Evidence-Based Practice, and Innovation Conference. September 24, 2021. [event postponed by sponsor due to pandemic].
Keynote Speaker. “Nurses Have the Power to Create New Futures.” UCONN School of Nursing Annual Innovation Conference. April 19, 2021.
Keynote Speaker. “What Next?: A Crowd-sourced and Collaborative Keynote Featuring Our Collective Ideas for Liberatory Queer Health Futures.” Wisconsin LGBTQ+ Health Summit. April 9, 2021. https://ce.icep.wisc.edu/2021-Wisconsin-LGBTQ-Health-Summit#group-tabs-node-course-default2
Endnote Speaker. “The Power to Create New Futures.” AACN Transform 2020. December 2020. [event canceled by sponsor due to pandemic.]
Keynote Speaker. “Queer Justice Demands Abolition of Carceral Technologies in Health Care”. Gay & Lesbian Medical Association (GLMA) Nursing Section. Annual Conference. September 23, 2020.
Keynote Speaker. Questions That Don’t Get Asked: Why They Matter to the Future of Innovation, Health Equity, and Life as [We Think] We Know It. Metro Detroit ONS Chapter Annual Conference, Troy, MI. February 5, 2020.
Keynote Speaker, Opening Ceremonies. Nursing Invention. Oncology Nursing Society 44th Annual Congress, Anaheim, CA. April 11, 2019.
Walker, R. K., Valdez, A. & McMurray, P. “Use of Social Media in Activism for Health Equity.” #HealthEVoices for HCPs Webinar, Johnson & Johnson, December 16, 2020. https://www.healthevoices.com/healthevoices-for-hcps.html
Walker, R. K. Plenary. The importance of social media in advancing LGBTQ+ health in the nursing profession. American Academy of Nursing inaugural National Nursing LGBTQ Health Summit. November 21, 2019. Columbia University, New York, New York.
Walker, R. K. Plenary Panel, Media Partnerships to Champion Health. American Academy of Nursing Annual Policy Conference. October 24, 2019. Washington, DC.
Walker, R. K., McDonald, Catherine C.; Cynthia Dougherty, Gance-Cleveland, Bonnie. Plenary Panel: Theoretical Underpinnings of Sensor Technology in Research. Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science Methods Conference. October 23, 2019. Washington, DC.
Walker, R.K. Nurse Inventors Do Tech (Differently): Why Every Team Should Have a Nurse. Moderator: Rick Hamilton, Optum Senior Distinguished Engineer Webinar for UnitedHealth Group Academy of Technology (~2000 technologists working for United Health Group), August 8, 2019.
Walker, R. K. Plenary Panel, What Would a Nurse Do? Meet the Nurse Innovators Changing Human Health. National Student Nurses Association (NSNA) National Convention, Salt Lake City, UT. April 4, 2019.
Walker, R. K. Invention Breakfast: Meet the Invention Ambassadors. AAAS Invention Ambassadors. American Association for the Advancement of Science Annual Meeting, February 17, 2019. Washington, DC.
Walker, R. K. Healing Invention: Co-Creating Care & Technology to Achieve Health Equity. Nursing Grand Rounds. Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY. August 4. 2019.
Walker, R. K., McPherson, D., & Garanich, J. Neela White, Moderator. Engineering Academic Environments to Foster Invention and Innovation. Hosted by the CCNY Translational Medicine Program. CUNY Advanced Science Research Center, New York, NY. June 17, 2019.